The Heart of Transformation
Disciplines and Landscapes of the Personality
Module One: 3 days
Date: May 7-8-9, 2023
Facilitator: Antonia
In this workshop, you will learn interpersonal skills to work with the complex feelings that arise within yourself, the people you love, work with, lead and interact with day-to-day. ​You will strengthen your relating skills to your innermost being, which will then be reflected in your relationship skills with your outer world, which will then be reflected in your life experiences.​
We practice authentic relating and present moment experience for clues about implicit beliefs and the reactions and strategies that influence our Life Experience.
​In this workshop we discover nourishing experiences that we are not having in present time due to old, imprinted belief systems. ​We discover our inner collection of selves, who play a role in organizing our experience to affirm the old implicit, adopted, belief/truth.
Why is it important?
To help heal and empower ourselves, our relationships and the collective...
To experience visceral self knowledge,
To Strengthen trust in our intuition and get out of our own way.
How do we do it? Through The Practice of:
Presence, connection and authenticity
Loving & open-heartedness
Empathizing & acknowledgment
Active & generous listening
Exploring interpersonal realms and the soma​​
Relational exercises & special experiments in action
Parts work
& The spiritual support of the group / complex systems consciousness
The Heart Of Transformation will touch the very core of your being and bring soul-utions to areas of imbalance, as well as providing tools you'll work with forever....
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Application Process is still a preliminary step. APPLY